During the school holidays, 21 aspiring Knox astronauts took part in a Knox 'Space School' Trip to the USA (Junior HASSE Space Program).
Knox Grammar School
The boys travelled to Houston, Texas where they visited NASA’s Johnston Space Centre and then Huntsville, Alabama to attend the US Space and Rocket Centre (Space Camp).
During the week, Space Camp runs various competitions and we are pleased to announce that our boys received first place in the Commanders Cup.
Our students demonstrated their ability to think creatively and work as a team in a fully immersed STEM environment.
Winning the Commanders Cup involved the boys accumulating points throughout their time at Space Camp. Points were awarded for completing tasks and missions.
These immersive simulations using realist simulators and equipment, included docking the Space Shuttle to the International Space Station, conducting a spacewalk to repair faulty panels and then landing the shuttle back on Earth and an Orion Mars Mission, where the team had to dock their Orion spacecraft with a science vessel and conduct experiments in space.
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