Knox Grammar School's Deputy Headmaster of Student and Teacher Excellence K-12 , Mrs Karen Yager, has been awarded the 2020 Reading Australia Fellowship for Teachers of English and Literacy.
Knox Grammar School
The fellowship supports a leading English and/or literacy teacher to undertake a career-enhancing research project that will benefit the successful Fellow as well as the education sector.
Karen Yager, who has more than 25 years experience as a teacher, will focus on the connection between the Australian landscape and literature, with the aim of developing an extensive resource to support English teachers in improving their students’ writing.
She says her research will feature “the evocative writing of Australian writers who have captured the heart and soul of landscapes to inspire young people to improve their own writing”.
Copyright Agency’s CEO Adam Suckling says: “Reading Australia provides invaluable resources to Australian teachers to encourage the teaching of Australian literature in schools."
“Now more than ever Australian teachers need our support. This Fellowship provides a significant opportunity for Karen Yager to develop new skills and resources to share with her colleagues and to benefit Australian school children.”
Reading Australia has published more than 200 full units of work to address the needs and challenges of English and literacy teachers, and to help them navigate Australian texts within the framework of the Australian Curriculum.
Karen Yager says: “I have always been passionate about supporting students to not only improve their writing but to engage and inspire them to love writing.
“Unfortunately, for too many years, there has been a decline in the writing standards of Australian students. All too often students approach writing with trepidation. Good writing starts with great models and inspiring stimuli, such as our rich and colourful landscapes.”
Karen Yager is also a PhD candidate with the University of Newcastle, investigating how professional learning can improve academic excellence, and this Fellowship will better inform her research.
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