Knox is an outstanding institution due to the pride and passion our community feels for the School. We acknowledge and stay true to our core values for they are critical and give meaning and purpose to our School, affirming who we are and what we stand for.
Mr Scott James
Since Knox was established in 1924, each generation has made a significant contribution to the School’s development. We are one year out from celebrating our centenary, and we are inheritors of an outstanding legacy. The challenge is to ensure that the educational experience continues to build on our strengths and create new opportunities in a rapidly changing world.
The recent 2023-2027 Strategic Direction outlined the next phase of Knox’s evolution and is a roadmap to build our reputation, nationally and internationally, as an innovative and progressive school. Four areas of opportunity have been identified in the Strategic Plan:
To achieve our objectives, we need to be prepared to initiate and participate in courageous conversations, and just as importantly, take courageous action that will enhance the learning experiences for our students.
We also want our young people to have strength of character and confidence in doing what is right, as well as the courage to embrace challenge and change. By cultivating courage, we are teaching our students to face uncertainty and to equip them with essential life skills that are critical for their academic success, personal growth, and overall wellbeing.
The quote, 'great things are done by a series of small things brought together', reminds me that success at school is not a one-time event, but rather the result of consistent determination and dedication. Aiming to be your best is rarely the result of a single, impressive effort, instead, it is the cumulative effect of many small actions taken over time.
The breadth of opportunity available at Knox seeks to educate the whole person – the academic, physical, spiritual, and socio-emotional. Recognising that young people are multidimensional with a wide range of needs and interests, our expansive co-curricular and sporting program means students stay focused on their goals, make daily decisions, and work towards a positive outcome. In this edition of The Thistle, you will read about the range of activities students are involved in, building their sense of belonging and connection to their School community, as well as assisting them in developing new skills and talents.
As parents, we are acutely aware of the challenges young people face related to building and maintaining relationships and social connectedness, including issues such as social media addiction, social isolation, and changing social norms. Clearly, a comprehensive approach to education is essential, providing students the environment to explore new interests, pursue passions, and develop a sense of purpose.
Reminding students that every small effort matters and that it is the sum of these small efforts that leads to significant accomplishments is so important. In other words, when we make 'effort' the backbone of our culture, the School is reinforcing the importance of hard work, resilience, and perseverance, thereby inspiring our young people to strive for greatness and achieve significant accomplishments.
This edition of The Thistle showcases the hard work, dedication, and accomplishments of our students. Sharing their achievements hopefully fosters a sense of pride and ignites motivation, encouraging all students to push themselves and strive for greater things. Clearly, our young people’s achievements serve as a testament to the effectiveness of the teaching, mentoring and support provided by Knox. These successes continue to strengthen the partnership between parents and the School, as we celebrate our children’s triumphs together and work towards their success.
Mr Scott James, Headmaster
This article was first published in the July 2023 edition of The Thistle.
18 December 2024
It is with immense pride that we congratulate the Class of 2024 on their exceptional achievements.
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11 December 2024
Congratulations to the Knox Junior Track and Field team, crowned National Champion School at the National Schools Challenge Final in Brisbane!
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